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Sprawdź kto jest właścicielem dowolnego systemu autonomicznego (AS)

Jeżeli wpiszesz niepoprawny numer AS - ASN - sprawdzenie nie zostanie wykonane - wynik będzie pusty.
Sprawdzanie może trwać nawet kilka lub kilkanaście sekund więc cierpliwie czekaj.
Twój IPv4:
US (lg) / ec2-3-15-221-88.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com
Należy do:
Twój IPv6:
2002:30f:dd58::30f:dd58 (6to4 wyliczony z adresu IPv4 z którego się łączysz)

Ostatnie zapytania:
serwer: ciskacz.of.pl
akcja: asinfo ASN
numer AS (np. AS29305)

as-block:       AS5632 - AS6066
descr:          ASN block not managed by the RIPE NCC
remarks:        ------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        For registration information,
remarks:        you can consult the following sources:
remarks:        IANA
remarks:        https://www.iana.org/assignments/as-numbers
remarks:        AFRINIC (Africa)
remarks:        http://www.afrinic.net/ whois.afrinic.net
remarks:        APNIC (Asia Pacific)
remarks:        http://www.apnic.net/ whois.apnic.net
remarks:        ARIN (Northern America)
remarks:        http://www.arin.net/ whois.arin.net
remarks:        LACNIC (Latin America and the Carribean)
remarks:        http://www.lacnic.net/ whois.lacnic.net
remarks:        ------------------------------------------------------
mnt-by:         RIPE-DBM-MNT
created:        2018-11-22T15:28:00Z
last-modified:  2018-11-22T15:28:00Z
source:         RIPE

aut-num:        AS5669
as-name:        VIA-NET-WORKS-AS
descr:          PSINet Europe / VIA NET.WORKS international AS
descr:          AS3291 is the PSI part, AS5669 the VIA part of the company
descr:          we are currently merging AS5669 into AS3291
import:         from AS207686 accept AS-MOUTARDE
import:         from AS29354 accept AS29354
import:         from AS33 accept AS33
import:         from AS174 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS174
import:         from AS174 at r2thl.vianw.net accept AS174
import:         from AS178 accept AS178
import:         from AS286 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-KQ
import:         from AS293 accept AS-ESNET
import:         from AS513 accept AS-CERN
import:         from AS517 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-KQDE
import:         from AS553 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-BELWUE
import:         from AS559 accept AS-SWITCH
import:         from AS680 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-DFNTOWINISP
import:         from AS702 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-UUNETUK
import:         from AS786 accept AS-JANETPLUS
import:         from AS789 accept AS789
import:         from AS1103 accept AS-SURFNET
import:         from AS1140 at r1ams.vianw.net accept AS1140
import:         from AS1200 accept AS1200
import:         from AS1213 accept AS-HEANET
import:         from AS1257 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-SWIPNET
import:         from AS1257 at r2thl.vianw.net accept AS-SWIPNET
import:         from AS1270 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-UUNETDE
import:         from AS1273 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-ECRC
import:         from AS1273 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-ECRCLINX
import:         from AS1273 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-ECRCDE
import:         from AS1290 accept AS1290
import:         from AS1746 accept AS-DRANET
import:         from AS1759 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-SONERA
import:         from AS1836 accept AS-KQCHCUST
import:         from AS1842 accept AS-DOINET
import:         from AS1849 accept AS-UUNETUK
import:         from AS2041 accept AS2041
import:         from AS2110 accept AS2110
import:         from AS2497 accept AS2497
import:         from AS2516 accept AS-KDDCUSTOMER
import:         from AS2529 accept AS-DEMON
import:         from AS2548 accept AS2548
import:         from AS2611 accept AS-BELNET
import:         from AS2647 accept AS2647
import:         from AS2686 accept AS-IGNEMEA
import:         from AS2818 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-BBC
import:         from AS2818 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-BBC
import:         from AS2828 accept AS-INTERNEX
import:         from AS2856 accept AS-BTTOLINX
import:         from AS2861 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-STUEBERL
import:         from AS2863 accept AS-SWIPNETEURO
import:         from AS2914 accept AS-WNA
import:         from AS2917 accept AS-OLEANE
import:         from AS3183 accept AS3183
import:         from AS3209 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-ARCORGLOBAL
import:         from AS3209 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-ARCORGLOBAL
import:         from AS3246 accept AS-TELEONEEUROPE
import:         from AS3257 accept AS-NACAMAR
import:         from AS3265 accept AS-ACCESSFORALL
import:         from AS3286 accept AS-IOL
import:         from AS3291 accept AS-PSINETEU
import:         from AS3292 accept AS-TDCNET
import:         from AS3303 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-IPPLUS
import:         from AS3303 at r3gen.vianw.net accept AS-IPPLUS
import:         from AS3320 accept AS-DTAG
import:         from AS3320 at r4ffm.de.vianw.net accept AS-DTAG
import:         from AS3320 at r4muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-DTAG
import:         from AS3328 accept AS-NETKONECT
import:         from AS3333 accept AS3333
import:         from AS3344 accept AS-VBCNETGB
import:         from AS3352 accept AS3352
import:         from AS3356 accept AS3356
import:         from AS3407 accept AS-ASNET
import:         from AS3549 accept ANY
import:         from AS3557 accept AS-MIBH
import:         from AS3563 accept AS-PILOT
import:         from AS3720 accept AS-MAINSTREET
import:         from AS3786 accept AS-DACOM
import:         from AS3915 accept AS3915
import:         from AS3932 accept AS-VOICENET
import:         from AS3976 accept AS3976
import:         from AS4000 accept AS-GSL
import:         from AS4004 accept AS-GLOBALONE-UK
import:         from AS4006 accept AS-NETRAIL
import:         from AS4058 accept AS4058
import:         from AS4323 accept AS4323
import:         from AS4436 accept AS4436
import:         from AS4513 accept AS-GLOBIX
import:         from AS4540 accept AS-WENET
import:         from AS4544 accept AS-CXN
import:         from AS4553 accept AS4553
import:         from AS4565 accept AS-HLC
import:         from AS4589 accept AS-EASYNET
import:         from AS4637 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-HKTCUSTOMER
import:         from AS4637 at r2thl.vianw.net accept AS-HKTCUSTOMER
import:         from AS4694 accept AS-IDC
import:         from AS4969 accept AS-NETAXS
import:         from AS5089 accept AS-NTLI
import:         from AS5378 accept AS-INSNET
import:         from AS5388 accept AS-POLGBR
import:         from AS5390 accept AS-EURONET
import:         from AS5399 accept AS-BART
import:         from AS5409 accept AS-TPL
import:         from AS5413 accept AS-XARANET
import:         from AS5417 accept AS-DEMON
import:         from AS5419 accept AS-CUCI
import:         from AS5427 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-CONTRIBNET
import:         from AS5430 accept AS-FREENETDE
import:         from AS5432 accept AS-SKYNETBE
import:         from AS5459 accept AS5459
import:         from AS5462 accept AS-CABLEINET
import:         from AS5466 accept AS-TE AS-EIRCOMDI
import:         from AS5494 accept AS-INDIGO
import:         from AS5503 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-RMIFL
import:         from AS5519 accept AS5519
import:         from AS5533 accept AS-VIAPT
import:         from AS5539 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-SPACENET
import:         from AS5539 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-SPACENET
import:         from AS5549 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-TELENOR
import:         from AS5549 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-TELENORDE
import:         from AS5551 accept AS-MERCURY
import:         from AS5552 accept AS5552
import:         from AS5557 accept AS-ZOO
import:         from AS5571 accept AS-NETCOMUK
import:         from AS5577 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS5577
import:         from AS5583 at r1ams.vianw.net accept AS-GIPNL
import:         from AS5587 accept AS-BSVE
import:         from AS5590 accept AS-SONERANL
import:         from AS5594 accept AS-ISDNET
import:         from AS5597 at r1ams.vianw.net accept AS-INTENSIVE
import:         from AS5604 accept AS-FREEDOMTOSURF
import:         from AS5605 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-NETUSE
import:         from AS5615 accept AS-WOLNL
import:         from AS5621 accept AS-CPSEUROPE
import:         from AS5631 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-IPCENTA
import:         from AS5631 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-IPCENTA
import:         from AS5683 accept AS5683
import:         from AS5696 accept AS-GOODNET
import:         from AS6067 accept AS-ONYX
import:         from AS6082 accept AS6082
import:         from AS6123 accept AS-WEBPROS
import:         from AS6196 accept AS61296
import:         from AS6218 accept AS6218
import:         from AS6251 accept AS-CISTRON
import:         from AS6259 accept AS-FIBERNET
import:         from AS6320 accept AS-AS-TELECOMPLETE
import:         from AS6345 accept AS-ZIPLINK
import:         from AS6405 accept AS-AINET
import:         from AS6427 accept AS-LIGHTNING
import:         from AS6461 accept ANY
import:         from AS6583 accept AS-WEBSECURE
import:         from AS6656 accept AS-STG
import:         from AS6660 accept AS-INSNETUS
import:         from AS6666 accept AS-HEADLIGHT
import:         from AS6667 accept AS-JIPPII
import:         from AS6724 accept AS-STRATORZ
import:         from AS6728 accept AS-NILDRAM
import:         from AS6730 accept AS-GLOBAL
import:         from AS6735 accept AS-SDTDECIX
import:         from AS6735 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-SDTDECIX
import:         from AS6742 accept AS-ATTVAS
import:         from AS6745 accept AS-QUZATRANSIT
import:         from AS6751 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-GERMANYNET
import:         from AS6761 accept AS-INTERNEXT
import:         from AS6762 at r1ams.vianw.net accept AS-SEABONE
import:         from AS6762 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-SEABONE
import:         from AS6762 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-SEABONE
import:         from AS6765 accept AS-WISPER
import:         from AS6774 at r1ams.vianw.net accept AS-BELBONETOPEERS
import:         from AS6774 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-BELBONETOPEERS
import:         from AS6774 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-BELBONETOPEERS
import:         from AS6774 at r2thl.vianw.net accept AS-BELBONETOPEERS
import:         from AS6779 accept AS-ICLNET
import:         from AS6792 accept AS-BACTEL
import:         from AS6805 accept AS-MWAYS
import:         from AS6830 accept AS-CHELLOBRB AS-CIGNAL
import:         from AS6835 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-SONERADE
import:         from AS6847 accept AS-CERBERLINX
import:         from AS6871 accept AS-PLUSNETUK
import:         from AS6893 accept AS6893 AS8843
import:         from AS6900 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-EDS
import:         from AS6939 accept AS-HURRICANE
import:         from AS7070 accept AS7070
import:         from AS7141 accept AS7141
import:         from AS7148 accept AS7148
import:         from AS7170 accept AS7170
import:         from AS7174 accept AS7174
import:         from AS7194 accept AS-MEGSINET
import:         from AS7374 accept AS-VALUSERVE
import:         from AS7473 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-SINGTEL-IX
import:         from AS7586 accept AS7586
import:         from AS7594 accept AS7594
import:         from AS7911 accept AS7911
import:         from AS8068 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-MICROSOFTEU
import:         from AS8196 accept AS-NETSCALIBURDE
import:         from AS8196 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-ESIB
import:         from AS8210 accept AS-TELENOR
import:         from AS8220 accept AS-COLT
import:         from AS8222 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-NETPLACE
import:         from AS8247 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-RSLCOM
import:         from AS8250 accept AS8250
import:         from AS8251 accept AS-CISTRON
import:         from AS8272 accept AS-DIRCON
import:         from AS8297 accept AS8297
import:         from AS8308 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-NASK
import:         from AS8319 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-IXREGIO
import:         from AS8327 accept AS-IXPRIME
import:         from AS8379 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-CYBERNETEU
import:         from AS8379 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-CYBERNETEU
import:         from AS8384 at r4muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-ISAR
import:         from AS8397 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-ZETNET
import:         from AS8397 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-ZETNET
import:         from AS8404 at r3gen.vianw.net accept AS-CABLECOM
import:         from AS8406 accept AS-TELENOR
import:         from AS8426 accept AS-CLARANET
import:         from AS8437 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-UTA
import:         from AS8442 accept AS8442
import:         from AS8447 at r2ffm.vianw.net accept AS-PTA
import:         from AS8468 accept AS-ENTANET
import:         from AS8469 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-PIRONETNDH
import:         from AS8472 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-VIAG
import:         from AS8472 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-VIAG AS-BTDE
import:         from AS15717 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-TESION
import:         from AS8483 accept AS-IAE
import:         from AS8495 accept AS8495 AS6783 AS12972
import:         from AS8543 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-JIPPII
import:         from AS8546 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-YOURCOMMS
import:         from AS8553 accept AS-GEMSOFT
import:         from AS8560 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-SCHLUND
import:         from AS8582 accept AS-SUPPORT
import:         from AS8586 accept AS-REDNET
import:         from AS8607 accept AS8607
import:         from AS8608 accept AS-CNCNL
import:         from AS8627 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-TRMD
import:         from AS8665 accept AS-ISP-SERVICE
import:         from AS8669 accept AS8669
import:         from AS8708 accept AS-RDSNET
import:         from AS8709 accept AS-EXODUSEURO
import:         from AS8737 at r1ams.vianw.net accept AS8737
import:         from AS8741 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-ECORE
import:         from AS8741 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-ECORE
import:         from AS8760 accept AS8760
import:         from AS8763 accept AS8763
import:         from AS8767 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-MNETDE
import:         from AS8785 accept AS-VAS
import:         from AS8815 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-CUBECOM
import:         from AS8815 at r2thl.vianw.net accept AS-CUBECOM
import:         from AS8851 accept AS-INWEB
import:         from AS8881 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-VERSATELEU
import:         from AS8897 accept AS-MISTRAL
import:         from AS8912 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-NETBENEFIT
import:         from AS8914 accept AS-TENET
import:         from AS8918 accept AS-CARRIERONE
import:         from AS8928 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-INTERROUTE
import:         from AS8938 accept AS-UCS
import:         from AS8954 accept AS-INTOUCHPEERS
import:         from AS8957 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-KKFNET
import:         from AS8957 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-KKFNET
import:         from AS8969 accept AS-NETFAB
import:         from AS9013 accept AS9013
import:         from AS9019 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-DATAGRAMA
import:         from AS9043 accept AS-PILOTEUROPE
import:         from AS9057 accept AS9057
import:         from AS9063 at r2ffm.vianw.net accept AS-SAARGATE
import:         from AS9109 accept AS-MADGE
import:         from AS9119 at r2ffm.vianw.net accept AS-SOFTNET
import:         from AS9126 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-COLTDE
import:         from AS9132 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-MEDIASCAPE
import:         from AS9132 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-MEDIASCAPE
import:         from AS9133 accept AS-WISH
import:         from AS9135 accept AS9135
import:         from AS9143 accept AS-BENELUX
import:         from AS9145 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-EWETEL
import:         from AS9189 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-ACCOM
import:         from AS9191 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-NEWNET
import:         from AS9191 at r2thl.vianw.net accept AS-NEWNET
import:         from AS9193 accept AS-CONXIONEU
import:         from AS9196 accept AS9196
import:         from AS9214 accept AS9214
import:         from AS10303 accept AS10303
import:         from AS10530 accept AS-INTERPACKET
import:         from AS11341 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-EASYNET
import:         from AS11867 at r1ams.vianw.net accept AS-PRIMUSTELEU
import:         from AS12222 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS12222
import:         from AS12306 at r1ffm.de.vianw.net accept AS-PLUSLINE
import:         from AS12306 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-PLUSLINE
import:         from AS12308 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-INTERACTIVE
import:         from AS12333 accept AS-DFI
import:         from AS12337 accept AS-NORIS
import:         from AS12348 accept AS12348
import:         from AS12350 accept AS-VTX
import:         from AS12359 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-INTELIDEAS
import:         from AS12390 accept AS12390
import:         from AS12394 accept AS-ENERGISNV
import:         from AS12407 accept AS-WESTEND
import:         from AS12414 accept AS12414
import:         from AS12437 accept AS12437
import:         from AS12449 accept AS12449
import:         from AS12458 accept AS12458
import:         from AS12513 accept AS-ECLIPSE
import:         from AS12536 accept AS12536
import:         from AS12573 accept AS-WIDEXS
import:         from AS12611 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-RKOM AS-MNETDE
import:         from AS12621 accept AS-ONEANET
import:         from AS12634 accept AS12634
import:         from AS12654 at r1ams.vianw.net accept AS12654
import:         from AS12654 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS12654
import:         from AS12682 accept AS12682
import:         from AS12745 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS12745
import:         from AS12793 at r2ffm.vianw.net accept AS-ETELGROUP
import:         from AS12832 accept AS-LYCOSEU
import:         from AS12859 accept AS-BIT
import:         from AS12868 accept AS-IAXIS
import:         from AS12870 accept AS12870
import:         from AS12871 at r1ams.vianw.net accept AS12871
import:         from AS12909 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-BLIXER
import:         from AS12936 accept AS12936
import:         from AS12956 accept AS-TDATANETEU
import:         from AS12964 accept AS12964 AS12422 AS15705
import:         from AS13005 accept AS13005
import:         from AS13037 accept AS-ZEN
import:         from AS13039 accept AS13039
import:         from AS13125 accept AS-PCE-NET
import:         from AS13127 accept AS-VERSATEL
import:         from AS13129 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-GAT
import:         from AS13129 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-GAT
import:         from AS13129 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-GAT
import:         from AS13132 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-CYBERWAYS
import:         from AS13213 accept AS13213
import:         from AS13237 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-LNCDECIX
import:         from AS13246 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-INETWIRE
import:         from AS13285 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-OAPL
import:         from AS13285 at rt001mcc.uk.vianw.net accept AS-OPAL
import:         from AS13300 at r1ams.vianw.net accept AS-GTSBENELUX
import:         from AS13301 at r2ffm.vianw.net accept AS-ETTEL
import:         from AS13646 accept AS-PRIORITY
import:         from AS15169 at r2ffm.vianw.net accept AS15169
import:         from AS15385 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS-CLARANET
import:         from AS15412 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-FLAGP
import:         from AS15412 at r2ffm.vianw.net accept AS-FLAGP
import:         from AS15444 accept AS-NETSERVICES
import:         from AS15486 accept AS15486
import:         from AS15509 at r1ams.vianw.net accept AS15509
import:         from AS15533 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-CWSEUROPE
import:         from AS15557 accept ANY
import:         from AS15558 accept AS-TIMEWARP
import:         from AS15589 at r1mix.vianw.net accept AS-EDISONTEL
import:         from AS15600 at r2ffm.vianw.net accept AS-LAN
import:         from AS15635 accept AS15635
import:         from AS15670 accept AS15670
import:         from AS15703 accept AS-TRUESERVER
import:         from AS15743 accept AS-IPH
import:         from AS15758 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-FNS
import:         from AS15879 accept AS-IS
import:         from AS15861 accept AS-LEGEND
import:         from AS15915 accept AS-IBERCOM
import:         from AS15933 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-ITH
import:         from AS15959 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-CPLUS
import:         from AS15960 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-GLOBALACCESS
import:         from AS15979 accept AS15979
import:         from AS15988 accept AS-AKHTERNET
import:         from AS16034 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-KEME
import:         from AS16188 accept AS16188
import:         from AS16237 accept AS16237
import:         from AS16298 at r1ams.vianw.net accept AS-INTERBOX
import:         from AS16334 at r1thl.vianw.net accept AS-I-NAP
import:         from AS20481 accept AS20481
import:         from AS20495 at r2ffm.vianw.net accept AS-WDSET
import:         from AS20495 at r2ams.vianw.net accept AS-WDSET
import:         from AS20500 accept AS-GRIFFIN
import:         from AS20621 accept AS-OPENIT
import:         from AS20639 at r1ams.vianw.net accept AS-NETLAND
import:         from AS20718 accept AS20718
import:         from AS20738 accept AS-MAGMOM
import:         from AS20834 accept AS-Caladan-MaNAP
import:         from AS20686 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-BISPING
import:         from AS20940 at r1ams.vianw.net accept AS20940
import:         from AS20940 at r1ffm.vianw.net accept AS20940
import:         from AS21099 accept AS-BARRYSWORLD-LINX
import:         from AS21198 accept AS21198
import:         from AS21473 at r2ffm.vianw.net accept AS-MANET
import:         from AS21476 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-ACDC
import:         from AS24861 accept AS24861
import:         from AS24884 accept AS24884
import:         from AS24933 at r2muc.de.vianw.net accept AS-MINXS
import:         from AS24973 accept AS-KOMPLEX
import:         from AS25177 accept AS-METACOR
import:         from AS29152 accept AS29152
import:         from AS29354 accept AS-PCE-NET
import:         from AS29686 accept AS-PROBENETWORKS
import:         from AS31523 accept AS31523
import:         from AS34009 accept AS34009
import:         from AS34011 accept AS-DOMAINFACTORY
import:         from AS51906 accept AS-RECAST
import:         from AS205012 accept AS-FCSE
export:         to AS33 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS207686 announce ANY
export:         to AS174 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS178 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS286 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS293 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS513 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS517 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS553 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS559 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS680 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS702 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS786 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS789 announce AS-PSIVIA
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export:         to AS1200 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS1213 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS1257 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS1270 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS1273 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS1290 announce AS-PSIVIA
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export:         to AS1759 announce AS-PSIVIA
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export:         to AS1849 announce AS-PSIVIA
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export:         to AS2529 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS2548 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS2611 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS2647 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS2686 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS2818 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS2828 announce AS-PSIVIA and not {}
export:         to AS2856 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS2861 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS2863 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS2914 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS2917 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3183 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3209 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3246 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3257 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3265 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3286 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3292 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3303 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3320 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3328 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3333 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3344 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3352 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3356 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3407 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3549 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3557 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3563 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3720 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3786 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3915 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3932 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS3976 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS4000 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS4004 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS4006 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS4058 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS4323 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS4436 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS4513 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS4540 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS4544 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS4553 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS4565 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS4589 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS4637 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS4694 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS4969 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5089 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5378 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5388 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5390 announce AS-PSIVIA
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export:         to AS5409 announce ANY
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export:         to AS5417 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5419 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5427 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5430 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5432 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5459 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5462 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5466 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5494 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5503 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5519 announce AS-PSIVIA
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export:         to AS5549 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5551 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5552 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5557 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5571 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5577 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5583 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5587 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5590 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5594 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5597 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5604 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5605 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5615 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5621 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5631 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5683 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS5696 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6067 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6082 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6123 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6196 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6218 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6251 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6259 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6320 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6345 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6405 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6427 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6461 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6583 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6656 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6660 announce AS-PSIVIA
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export:         to AS6724 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6728 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6730 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6735 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6742 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6745 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6751 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6761 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6762 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6765 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6774 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6779 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6792 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6805 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6830 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6835 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6847 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6871 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6893 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6900 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS6939 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS7070 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS7141 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS7148 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS7170 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS7174 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS7194 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS7374 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS7473 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS7586 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS7594 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS7911 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8068 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8196 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8210 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8220 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8222 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8247 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8250 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8251 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8272 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8297 announce AS5669 AS-PSIVIAFR
export:         to AS8308 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8319 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8327 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8379 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8384 announce ANY
export:         to AS8397 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8404 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8406 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8426 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8437 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8447 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8442 announce ANY
export:         to AS8468 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8469 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8472 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8483 announce ANY
export:         to AS8495 announce ANY
export:         to AS8543 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8546 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8553 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8560 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8582 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8586 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8607 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8608 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8627 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to as8665 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8669 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8708 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8709 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8737 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8741 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8760 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8763 announce ANY
export:         to AS8767 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8785 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8815 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8851 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8881 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8897 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8912 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8914 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8918 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8928 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8938 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8954 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8957 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS8969 announce ANY
export:         to AS9013 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS9019 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS9043 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS9057 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS9063 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS9109 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS9119 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS9126 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS9132 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS9133 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS9135 announce ANY
export:         to AS9143 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS9145 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS9189 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS9191 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS9193 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS9196 announce ANY
export:         to AS9214 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS10303 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS10530 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS11341 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS11867 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12222 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12306 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12308 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12333 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12337 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12348 announce ANY
export:         to AS12350 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12359 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12390 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12394 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12407 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12414 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12437 announce ANY
export:         to AS12449 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12458 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12513 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12536 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12573 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12611 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12621 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12634 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12654 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12682 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12745 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12793 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12832 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12859 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12868 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12870 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12871 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12909 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12936 announce ANY
export:         to AS12956 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS12964 announce ANY
export:         to AS13005 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS13037 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS13039 announce ANY
export:         to AS13125 announce ANY
export:         to AS13127 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS13129 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS13132 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS13213 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS13237 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS13246 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS13285 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS13300 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS13301 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS13646 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15169 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15385 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15412 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15444 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15486 announce ANY
export:         to AS15509 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15533 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15557 announce ANY
export:         to AS15558 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15589 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15600 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15635 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15670 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15703 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15717 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15743 announce ANY
export:         to AS15758 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15861 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15879 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15915 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15933 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15959 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15960 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15979 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS15988 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS16034 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS16188 announce ANY
export:         to AS16237 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS16298 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS16334 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS20481 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS20495 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS20500 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS20621 announce ANY
export:         to AS20639 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS20718 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS20738 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS20834 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS20686 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS20940 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS21099 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS21198 announce ANY
export:         to AS21473 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS21476 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS24861 announce ANY
export:         to AS24884 announce ANY
export:         to AS24933 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS24973 announce ANY
export:         to AS25177 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS29152 announce ANY
export:         to AS29686 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS31523 announce ANY
export:         to AS34009 announce ANY
export:         to AS34011 announce AS-PSIVIA
export:         to AS29354 announce ANY
export:         to AS51906 announce ANY
export:         to AS205012 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS5539 accept ANY # Spacenet upstream
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS5539 announce AS-VIA-V6
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS5533 accept AS5533 # VIA Portugal
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS5533 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS8928 accept AS8928
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS8928 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS24973 accept AS24973
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS24973 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS13039 accept AS13039
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS13039 announce ANY
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS34288 accept AS34288
mp-export:      afi ipv6.unicast to AS34288 announce ANY
admin-c:        PSIE1-RIPE
tech-c:         PSIE1-RIPE
remarks:        -----------------------------------------------------
remarks:        Peering requests to: peering@psineteurope.com
remarks:        Network problems to: noc@vianetworks.com
remarks:        Corporate information : http://www.vianetworks.com/
remarks:        Network information : http://noc.vianw.net/
remarks:        -----------------------------------------------------
status:         OTHER
mnt-by:         VIA-MNT
mnt-by:         PSINETEU-VIA-MNT
mnt-by:         VIADE-MNT
created:        2002-09-24T13:38:43Z
last-modified:  2020-02-14T13:39:14Z
source:         RIPE-NONAUTH # Filtered

role:           PSINET Europe Network Operations
address:        Interoute Managed Services Switzerland Sarl
address:        Chemin de l'Epinglier 2
address:        CH-1217 Geneva-Meyrin
address:        Switzerland
phone:          +41 22 783 6000
fax-no:         +41 22 786 6010
remarks:        -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
remarks:        Please be aware the PSINET Europe is now wholly owned by Interoute Communications Ltd
remarks:        For abuse, please contact abuse-Europe@gtt.net
remarks:        For Peering requests, please contact peering@gtt.net
remarks:        For RIPE requests, please contact ripe@interoute.com or hostmaster@interoute.net
remarks:        -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
admin-c:        JK911-RIPE
admin-c:        ASL13-RIPE
tech-c:         INTR1-RIPE
nic-hdl:        PSIE1-RIPE
mnt-by:         PSINETEU-VIA-MNT
created:        2002-05-28T08:58:46Z
last-modified:  2019-04-18T11:10:04Z
source:         RIPE # Filtered
Afrinic Arin Ripe Apnic Lacnic
@ 2001/2025 XO.pl  